Friday 17 September 2010

Burning the planet at both Poles

Arctic ice has been melting slowly for 2 decades. Within a decade or two, a summertime spacecraft pointing its camera at the North Pole (like above) will see nothing but open ocean. There will be ice on Greenland-but much less ice. Between 2003 and 2008 more than a trillion ton's of the island's ice melted, an area ten times the size of Manhattan. In fact we now know that the climate doesn't even have to warm any more for Greenland to continue losing ice.

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Here's a company with a great innovation in the small wind turbine market. Check it out!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Robert Swan Speech

Inspiring and humorous speech by Robert Swan as he accepts an Honorary Doctorate in Science from Durham University.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Interview with Robert Swan

"When you’re making a journey like we made, you’re taking your wrapper off your 80 Yorkie bars before you set out, to save on weight.  So we certainly didn’t have the luxury of taking books..."

Check out more from Swan in his interview with Sabotage Times:

Monday 6 September 2010

Belgium to India on your bicycle...

These days, even though they can throw big lumps of tin in the sky that may/may not get you to your destination in one piece, you might also consider getting on your this guy did...

Belgium to Shanghai anybody?